| TDP 2200V and 2222V | Acroamatics, Inc. | | |
| Forward Error Correction Products | Advanced Hardware Architectures, Inc. | | |
| 8PSK/QPSK X-band Tansmitter | Alcatel Space Industries | | |
| Alcatel 9230 SpaceBus 3000 Platform | Alcatel Space Industries | | |
| Alcatel 9240 SpaceBus 4000 Platform | Alcatel Space Industries | | |
| Alcatel 9260 Proteus Leo Platform | Alcatel Space Industries | | |
| Optical Data Hanlding Subsystem | Alcatel Space Industries | | |
| Reed-Solomon Compiler | Altera Corporation | | |
| Integrated Baseband Equipment for TT&C Stations | Antwerp Space | | |
| Telemetry Telecommand Front End Satellite Test System | Antwerp Space | | |
| VMEwindow (Software) | AP Labs | | |
| AMITC Multiplexer | Apogee Labs Inc. | | |
| Data Multiplexer Demultiplexer System | Apogee Labs, Inc. | | |
| Data Multiplexer Demultiplexer System | Apogee Labs, Inc. | | |
| Telemetry Processing | ASRC Aerospace Corp. | | |
| Telemetry Processing | ASRC Aerospace Corp. | | |
| Frame Synchronizer PCM Simulator | Avtec Systems | | |
| SCPS Communications Gateways | Avtec Systems | | |
| TDM Telemetry Simulator - VM 6140 | Avtec Systems | | |
| TLM TC System Programmable TLM Processor | Avtec Systems | | |
| Integrated TT&C Modem, Receiver and Ranging System (IFMS) | BAE Systems | | |
| BCP 2000 | Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. | | |
| BCP 600 | Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. | | |
| Reed-Solomon Encoder | Center for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research | | |
| Universal Source Decoder for Science Data | Center for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research | | |
| Universal Source Encoder for Space (USES) | Center for Advanced Microelectronics and Biomolecular Research | | |
| Citrix | Citrix Systems Inc | | |
| C/TT-505 | CMC Electronics Cincinnati | | |
| Command and Control Toolkit | Command and Control Technologies Corporation | | |
| turboIP(r) Performance Enhancement Proxy | Comtech EF Data Corp. | | |
| CS101 | Cryptek Inc. | | |
| OPEN 2000 Ground Station | Datron Advanced Technologies Incorporated | | |
| Flexbus | EAD Astrium | | |
| CCSDS Telemetry Generator and Recorder | ELTA (TECHNICATOME GROUP) | | |
| Telecommand CCSDS Interface Card | ELTA (TECHNICATOME GROUP) | | |
| Telemetry CCSDS Interface Card | ELTA (TECHNICATOME GROUP) | | |
| TT&C Ground Stations, Baseband Processors and Downlink Uplink Acquisition Transmission Units | Enertec | | |
| ESA Generic Mission Control System (SCOS-2000) | ESA (European Space Agency) | | |
| ESA Network Controller and Telemetry Router System (NCTRS) | ESA (European Space Agency) | | |
| ESA Network Interface System (NIS) | ESA (European Space Agency) | | |
| ESA SLE API Package | ESA (European Space Agency) | | |
| ESA SLE Gateway | ESA (European Space Agency) | | |
| TMTCS (Ground Station Telemetry and Telecommand System) | ESA (European Space Agency) | | |
| On-board Components | ESA/European Space Technology Center | | |
| Ground Segment Spacecraft Command Interface Software | ESYS Limited | | |
| IP accellerators Series 1800 - 4800 - 6800 WAFS - 4900 - 6900 - 4000 | Expand Networks | | |
| Telemetry Data Processing | GATS, Inc | | |
| WIN-TEL WindowsTM- Based Telemetry System | GDP Space Systems | | |
| Integrated Spacecraft Controller | General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems | | |
| Serial Data Recorder | General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems | | |
| SkipWare | Global Protocols | | |
| Hifly Satellite Control System | GMV | | |
| Focussuite Flight Dynamics System | GMV | | |
| Magnet Ground Stations Monitoring and Control | GMV | | |
| T²C²™ (Telemetry, Timing, Command, & Control) | Goodrich Aerospace | | |
| OS/COMET ™ | Harris Corporation | | |
| Mag-200 Telemetry Acquisition System | High Tech Systems | | |
| DataLynx TT&C and Mission Operations Services | Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. | | |
| Bandwidth TurboBooster | Hotlens | | |
| AOS Decoder Shell | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| AOS Encoder Shell | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| Packet Telecommand and Telemetry Simulator | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| Telecommand Decoder Shell | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| Telecommand Encoder Shell | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| Telemetry Decoder Shell | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| Telemetry Encoder Shell | I.B. + M.A. de Lande Long Software + Consultancy | | |
| Command, Ranging and Telemetry Unit - Cortex CRT | IN-SNEC | | |
| Telemetry Tracking & Control | IN-SNEC | | |
| EPOCH 2000 | Integral Systems | | |
| Command and Control Center | Interface & Control Systems | | |
| Imaging/Time Distribution | Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC) | | |
| KlasRouter | Klas Telecom Inc. | | |
| Direct Ingestion Server | Kongsberg Spacetec | | |
| Impact CCSDS Telemetry and Telecommand Processing System | L-3 Communications - Telemetry West | | |
| Central Data Management Unit | Laben S.p.A. | | |
| Telemetry Toolbox for MATLAB | Ledin Engineering | | |
| AOS Frame Formatter | Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space Company | | |
| Flexbus | Lockheed Martin Space Systems company | | |
| SkyX | Mentat by Packeteer | | |
| AOS Frame Formatter | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | | |
| Packet Telecommand Decoder | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | | |
| Virtual Channel Assembler and Multiplexer | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | | |
| Parallel Integrated Frame Synchronizer (PIFS) Chip | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | | |
| Return Link Processor Board | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | | |
| Service Processor (SP) Chip | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | | |
| Telemetry and Command Data Processing H/W & S/W Software | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | | |
| Spartan Platform | NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center | | |
| Packet Telecommand Encoder (TCE) | ND Satcom | | |
| CCSDS Telemetry and Telecommand Systems | NetAcquire Corporation | | |
| T100 Spacecraft | Northrop Grumman | | |
| T200A Spacecraft | Northrop Grumman | | |
| FUSE Satellite Platform | Orbital Sciences Corporation | | |
| LEOStar™ Satellite Platform | Orbital Sciences Corporation | | |
| MidStar™ Satellite Platform | Orbital Sciences Corporation | | |
| PegaStar™ Satellite Platform | Orbital Sciences Corporation | | |
| PicoStar™ Satellite Platform | Orbital Sciences Corporation | | |
| StarBus™ Satellite Platform | Orbital Sciences Corporation | | |
| TDS1000 Telemetry Decommutation System | Pacific Instruments, Inc. | | |
| Eclipse™ Satellite Command and Control Software | Raytheon Company | | |
| High Data Rate Receiver - T720 HDR | Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) | | |
| High Data Rate Receiver - T720 HDR | Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) | | |
| Modular Telemetry Telecommand Processor - T501 | Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) | | |
| SGLS/USB Telemetry - Telecommand - Ranging Modem T70/70XL | Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) | | |
| SLE Telemetry Telecommand IP Gateway - T500GT | Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) | | |
| VME Telemetry Telecommand Processor - T505 | Real Time Logic, Inc. (RT Logic) | | |
| Spacecraft Management Unit | Saab Ericsson Space | | |
| Spacelink NGT TTC & TM/TC Systems | Satellite Services B.V. | | |
| CCSDS Reed Solomon Processor | SBS Technologies, Inc. | | |
| Monitor and Control Software | Scisys | | |
| SnapGear SE—SkipWare™ Enhanced | SnapGear, Inc | | |
| CCSDS Command and Telemetry Processing | Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) | | |
| Command & Telemetry Processors | Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) | | |
| Space Qualified Avionics | Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) | | |
| Satellite Ground Segment | Space Applications Services | | |
| Orbital Maneuvering and Transfer Vehicle (MTV) | SpaceDev | | |
| AstroRT Data Acquisition and Control System | Spectrum Astro | | |
| SA-200B Spacecraft | Spectrum Astro | | |
| SA-200HP Spacecraft | Spectrum Astro | | |
| SA-200S Spacecraft | Spectrum Astro | | |
| Uplink/Downlink Board (ULDL) | Spectrum Astro | | |
| Minisatellite Platform | Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) | | |
| EO-SB | Swales Aerospace | | |
| SMEX-Lite | Swales Aerospace | | |
| RAMSES (Rocket And Multi Satellite EMCS Software) | Swedish Space Corporation | | |
| SCOS-2000 Spacecraft Control System | TERMA AS Space Division | | |
| On-Board Software | TERMA Elektronic AS | | |
| SMEX-Lite | TERMA Elektronic AS | | |
| Software Validation Facilities | TERMA Elektronic AS | | |
| Flight Software | The Hammers Company | | |
| Integrated Test and Operations System (ITOS) | The Hammers Company, Inc | | |
| CCSDS Service Processing Software | TSI Telsys, Inc. | | |
| SimGen CCSDS Software | TSI Telsys, Inc. | | |
| Multi-user Satellite Commercial Ground Network | Universal Space Network (USN) | | |
| SLE Service Management Software | VEGA Group plc | | |
| SLE Services Implementation Software | VEGA Informations-Technologien GmbH | | |
| Ground Station Telemetry and Command Data Processing System | Vertical Circuits, Inc. | | |
| ArcLight | ViaSat, Inc. | | |
| PC-based Telemetry Server Suite | Voss Scientific | | |
| WBC 921 Satellite TM/TC Unit | Warberry Communications | | |
| WBC 941 Lander Transponder | Warberry Communications | | |
| WBC 961 Orbiter Transceiver | Warberry Communications | | |
| WBC 981 Satellite TT&C Transponder | Warberry Communications | | |
| XipLink Gateways | Xiphos Technologies Inc. | | |
| XipLink Gateways | Xiphos Technologies Inc. | | |