Dr. Klaus-Juergen Schulz

Dr. Klaus-Juergen Schulz Dr. Klaus-Juergen Schulz – CESG Chair

Dr. Klaus-Juergen Schulz is the Chair of the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG) & Head of the Ground Station Engineering Division, European Space Agency (ESA) / European Space Operations Center (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany.

Dr. Schulz is since 2009 the Head of the Ground Station Engineering Division. The division is responsible for the engineering of the multi-mission ground stations of the ESA Tracking Station Network (ESTRACK) for space communication in near Earth and Deep Space using radio frequency and optical techniques. Recent engineering efforts were expanded into the domain of sensors for space object tracking using Radar, passive and active optical means.

Dr. Schulz joined ESA in 1989 focussing on the engineering and operating of space communication systems for precursor missions of the International Space Station, and designing communication solutions for the European ISS Columbus module. In 1999 he became responsible for the operations and maintenance of the ESA Tracking Stations (ESTRACK), and brought into operation the first two ESA deep space stations. He was also the ESA representative to the Interagency Operations Advisory Group (IOAG) and instrumental in the deployment of the CCSDS Space Link Extension (SLE) cross support capability.

Dr. Schulz holds a Diploma degree in Physics from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Zuerich, Switzerland.

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