Request CWE Login

Once you have completed and submitted the form, then we will review your submission; and obtain approval from the proper CCSDS Area Director and Working Group Chairs. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact CCSDS Tech Support at


Contact Information Section *

Last Name *

First Name *

Work Address *

E-Mail *

Citizenship *

Approval for Meeting Attendance and Agency Reviews *

Approver *

Code of Conduct *

Code of Conduct

Participation *

Participation *

Who Do You Work For? You are required to select one and only one response. *

(1) I am a Direct Employee (not a contractor) of a CCSDS
Member Agency *

(2) I am a Direct Employee (not a contractor) of a CCSDS
Observer Agency *

(3) I am a Direct Employee (not a contractor) of a Space Agency
(Government Organization) who is not yet a CCSDS Member

(4) I am a Contractor or Subcontractor in Private Industry or
Academia Under Contract/Support
Agreement to a CCSDS Member or Observer Agency

...Private Industry or Academia Employer Support

...Private Industry or Academia Employer No Contract

(5) I am an employee in Private Industry or Academia NOT
Under Contract/Support Agreement to a CCSDS Member or
Observer Agency. OR I am a technical expert / consultant,
only representing myself.

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