Spring Meetings 2010 Information Overview
Hosted by NASA, the CCSDS Spring 2010 meeting series will be held in Portsmouth, Virginia. The main technical meeting series will be held from
May 3-7 2010 (the week after SpaceOps) followed by the CESG meeting which will be held from May 10-11 2010. For more information about
Portsmouth, please visit the official Portsmouth visitors site at
Meeting Location:
The meetings will take place at the Portsmouth Hotel and Waterfront Conference Center.
425 Water Street
Portsmouth, Virginia 23704 USA
Phone: 1-757-673-3000
Toll-free: 1-888-839-1775
Meeting Registration:
Meeting Registration is now closed.
Meeting Agendas:
Agendas for meetings by Working Groups can be obtained by
Clicking Here.
CCSDS has contracted with the Renaissance to offer a special room rate of $119 plus taxes. All meeting
attendees are encouraged to stay at the host hotel.
Technical Editors Bootcamp:
The CCSDS Secretariat will be holding a training bootcamp in CCSDS document-development procedures,
which is required for all CCSDS technical editors and recommended for WG chairs. Other WG participants are welcome to attend
space permits. Please see the registration form for dates and times.
Letters of Invitation and Visa Requests:
Should any meeting attendees still be in need of a letter of invitation or Visa letter for the meeting, please contact the Secretariat at
secretariat@mailman.ccsds.org as soon as possible.