Spring Management Meetings 2010 Information Overview
Hosted by INPE, the CCSDS Spring 2010 Management Meetings be held in São José dos Campos, Brazil. The meeting will be held from June 7th-10th,
2010. The meeting breakdown is as follows:
- Tuesday, 8 June (afternoon) – CMC meeting
- Wednesday, 9 June (all day) – CMC meeting
- Thursday, 10 June (morning) – SC13 meeting
- Thursday, 10 June (afternoon) – CMC meeting
- Friday, 11 June (morning) – CMC meeting
- Friday, 11 June (afternoon) – Facility tour
For more information about São José dos Campos, please visit
http://www.turismo.sjc.sp.gov.br/ (Portuguese, only)
Meeting Location:
The meetings will take place at the National Institute For Space Research (INPE).
Jd. da Granja
Avenida dos Astronautas
1.758 - São José dos Campos - SP
12227-010, Brazil
Meeting Registration:
Meeting Registration is now closed.
Letters of Invitation and Visa Requests:
Should any meeting attendees still be in need of a letter of invitation or Visa letter for the meeting, please contact the Secretariat at
secretariat@mailman.ccsds.org as soon as possible.