CCSDS Associates Benefits and Limitations
Would be invited to submit comments in the form of Review Item Discrepancy (RID) sheets on
any documents distributed for Agency review. These RIDs would be submitted through the
sponsoring agency and, if approved by that agency, become part of the Agency's RID set; the
CCSDS Secretariat would not accept RIDs directly from an Associate.
Would be invited to submit proposals for new areas of standards development that they perceive
are needed. These proposals would be submitted though their sponsoring agency.
Would be invited to participate in periodic CCSDS/Industry Symposia at which tutorials on CCSDS
topics would be presented and announcements/demonstrations of CCSDS-compatible products
Would be entitled to send representatives to CCSDS Area and Working Group Meetings as a part of
their sponsoring agency's delegation (provided sponsoring agency concurs).
Would NOT have a direct input into the consensus process for approving CCSDS Green and Blue
Books; however, Associates can have a significant influence by either their work during the
Recommendation development process or by persuading a Management Council member to their point
of view.
NOTE: There is no charge to the CCSDS Associates for the services they receive.