Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA)


OVERVIEW - Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA)
Welcome to the Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) Collaborative Work Environment. The CMC approves the organization that will act as the SANA. Its public interface is focused through web-based services provided by the Secretariat. The SANA is the CCSDS operational core registrar for the CMC’s activities. The day-to-day operation of the SANA is conducted by the SANA Operator as defined in the SANA Procedures Yellow Book, CCSDS 313.0-Y-0.3. Technical oversight of the activities of the SANA Operator are delegated to the SANA Steering Group (SSG).

Many space mission protocols require that someone keep track of key protocol numbering assignments that were added after the protocol came out. Typical examples of the kinds of registries needed are for Spacecraft IDs, protocol version numbers, reserved APIDs and SFDU Control Authorities. The SANA provides this key configuration management service for CCSDS.

There are many different data objects that need to be globally accessible within the CCSDS in order to support mission planning and operations and the activities of CCSDS itself. A “Data Object”, within this context, is defined as any known or imagined participant in mission communications, planning, and operations or trajectory propagation, tracking, attitude determination and orbit determination.


Marc BlanchetSANA Operator: Cofomo
Main Point of Contact: Julien Bernard
128-825 Lebourgneuf
Quebec, Quebec
G2J 0B9

Telephone: +1 418 780 8718


OVERVIEW - Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) Steering Group (SSG)
The SANA Steering Group (SSG) is appointed by the CMC to provide the SANA operator with technical and programmatic guidance related to ongoing operational and policy matters. The Membership of the SANA Steering Group is determined and approved by the CMC.

The SSG is delegated responsibility for oversight of SANA operations, validation and confirmation of SANA operations, and acts as the first level of appeal for issues. In the event of issues with registries, policies, or practices, CCSDS working group members or the SANA operator may ask the SSG for guidance. SANA issues to be resolved by the SSG should be sent to


Peter Shames Chair: Peter Shames
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
M/S: 301-265
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Telephone: +1 818 354 5740
FAX: +1 818 393 1333
Bio: Click Here


Space Assigned Numbers Authority

SANA Operator: Julien Bernard

SANA Steering Group (SSG)

Chair: Peter Shames

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